Saturday, 16 July 2011

How to hide the lasers?

I've been searching for quite a long time how to hide the lasers ontop the table, and - of course - how to make them look nice.

I can't remember where, but I saw some months ago a table with some kind of silver knobs, one in each corner, and I thought that it looked amazing. I then starting to look for some empty silver knobs, thin enough to be able to cut a hole in it (for the lasers).

By chance, at work, we received as a gift from some Advertising Network some very fine French tea from Mariage Frères, a famous tea house. And the tops were exactly what I needed....

After gathering four of them, I needed to find a way to place them into the table, so "through" the tempered glass pane. As tempered glass can't be cut, I had to order another pane, just 20cm less long than the original, and I ordered two black glossy acrylic straps, 10cm wide, 5mm thick.

By that time I didn't know that cutting acrylic was a bit complicated, because it actually melts a lot, creating a lot of plastic threads all over.

I then used two wood planks, one on each side of the acrylic, then used a special saw I bought (can't find the English name, a "Bell saw" ?).

Here are some pictures I took of the whole procedure :

Some polishing and cleaning later, here's the result :

I've go to say that the result is very smart : I wouldn't have thought it would be that clean and nice looking. I just added a hole in each silver knob and that's it !

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